Seminar Series

All Bocconi students and faculty are very welcome to attend these talks.


No news or events.

Past events

Zoom Webinar
Inequality and Taxation: A presentation of "Capital and Ideology"
Zoom Webinar
Climate Change and Economic Policy
Zoom Webinar
School Reform: Lessons from US and UK Experiences
Zoom Webinar
Predictable Effects of Visual Salience in Experimental Decisions and Games
room N03 - Velodromo
Alvin Roth
room N04 - Velodromo Building
Charles F. Manski
velodromo - room N04
Torsten Persson
velodromo - room N04
Ravi Bansal
velodromo - room N04
Steve Tadelis
Velodromo - room N31
Aloysius Siow