Seminar Series

All Bocconi students and faculty are very welcome to attend these talks.


No news or events.

Past events

Zoom Webinar
Climate Change and Economic Policy
Zoom Webinar
School Reform: Lessons from US and UK Experiences
Zoom Webinar
Predictable Effects of Visual Salience in Experimental Decisions and Games
room N03 - Velodromo
Alvin Roth
room N04 - Velodromo Building
Charles F. Manski
velodromo - room N04
Torsten Persson
velodromo - room N04
Ravi Bansal
velodromo - room N04
Steve Tadelis
Velodromo - room N31
Aloysius Siow
Velodromo - room N27
Chris Woodruf